My Studies
Take a look below to find an outline of my educational background, which includes the institutions I’ve attended, degrees and qualifications I’ve received, as well as my academic achievements along the way.
August 2018- May 2020
The EPL program prepares educators and other professionals to serve as leaders in education organizations. Students gain the knowledge and skills in leadership, policy, law, economics, and research to effectively administer education programs and policies at all levels.
I conducted research on behalf of the DC Public School System, Smart Start and Teach For American DC.
I graduated Summa Cum Laud.
August 2011 - May 2015
The degree program is approved for grades 7-12 licensure in secondary English. There are three phases for education majors: Phase I: Core Curriculum ; Phase II: Teacher Education Program; and Phase III: Student Teaching. During the professional education common-core coursework, teacher education candidates are required to observe and teach in selected classrooms, learning about effective teaching, developing professional dispositions working directly with practitioners and school students at varying grade and developmental levels.